Monday, March 5, 2012

its only a brain - right?

today, i was gong to a Doctor appointment for a pre-proceedure appointment.
Nothing, but a routine test that comes up every 6 years or so,
but i got the wrong name of the doctor in my head,
i got the wrong location.
I had,
of course,
 remembered the old doctor
and google obediently gave me the old location,
which only reinforced my forgotten memories.
As i was wandoering,
with an old phone number that was not valid -
of course!
A lost motorist stopped and asked for directions...
being total confused myself,
 i spoutted some nonscence about having no clue and the motorist left
and i,
i began to laugh...
and relax
and then my other sight took over
and brought to where i needed to go,
with the wrong doctors name still prominant in my mind.
The appointment was fine,
but i did not remember the doctor, but the office was familiar.
As he had to hear the history of where i have come,
he remarked that i was doing remarkably well for what i had been through.
i laughed again.
brainless or not,
i am still doing fine.


Carole said...

Good on you!

Jenny Woolf said...

The makings of a funny play here - one of those farces full of misunderstandings. Glad you got to the right doc in the end!

Granny Annie said...

Perhaps I relate to this too much. Hope I go to the right dentist today:)