Tuesday, March 6, 2012

yesterdays news

My adventure yesterday,
awakened something primevil within me,


being lost and feeling ill equiped to find my way out of a situation,
shook my core.
The worry is real,
i can not trust what i think.
i feel blind searching for a cold light.
This does not feel good.
I laughed yesterday,
but was it joy
or nerveousness?
I do not have an answer yet,
 but i feel reporcusion reverberating along my spine.
Tomorrow will bring what it will,
i sleep.


betchai said...

Joey, hope all is well? hope you have a good night sleep and will get good rest to feel better

Anonymous said...

I can relate, as I recently got lost in an area I know. Just a silly mistake, but I read a lot into it. I got upset with myself also.

Everyone mixes up, gets lost, etc. Think of all the distractions in our world today-social media, everything in real time. We were not designed to function at this harried pace and bombarded with constant minutia.

Hope you got a sound nights sleep!