Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Still shaken and a bit stirred up

Not quite the James Bond Martini,
but i woke with all my muscles acing.
Not the ones were there were visible injuries,
but everything else!
With that said, i trudged off to work,
yes, you heard me right,
This requires some explaining because i did just fall into it,
almost as if by accident,
if i believed in such stuff as accidents anymore.
No this is a civil servant job,
a government job,
the kind everyone is railling against now a days,
but i took it to heart and found that i could acctually make a difference.
I could help people.
Making money was not the issue,
for if i wanted to make money,
i never would have taken this job.
The pay is easily less than 1/4 of what a private sector job would be
and by far more fun, with more variety
and again,
i am able to actually help people.
I got stirred up because there are too many people on the payroll for whom this is just a job,
something to pass the time and collect a pay check.
I actually have a reason to be there.
And off i go to face today's challenges and frustrations and yes, fights.

This will end soon,
then maybe i will live a peacefl life.


Gail said...

HI JOEY -I pray for your peaceful life now. Grab it for it is yours to have. Let no one take that form you.
Love Gail

betchai said...

glad for you Joey for seeing and living the reasons to be in your job, something that you chose, hope a more peaceful life soon will come your way.

Granny Annie said...

Nothing wrong with a government job. Somebody has to do it. I was a banker and boy did people boo and hiss at me.

Lori said...

Joey it is so refreshing to hear that you go to work because you CARE, not just to show up and punch out. That type of work ethic these days seems to be an anomaly. Be well and keep your peace!