Monday, October 1, 2012


In this place of intellect and reason
Comes from the heart,
A thought.
In the storm and whirlwind
Of confusion and angst,
God is not there.
In a quake
Of fear and anxiety,
God is not in them.
In the insanity of desire
or lack thereof,
this is where these things reside.
In the quietness of our heart,
In the stillness of our mind,
There it is
That we find God.
 How long did it take me to reach this place?
How many storms have i weathered?
How many quakes have i endured?
But i have not perished,
rather i have grown
and in ways that surprise me.
The whirlwind of work comes again
And thoughts are blown out of reach
For but a little while.
This is a adapsion and paraphrase of a favorite verse in the Old Testament; 1 Kings 19:11-13


Ileana said...

When we look beyond that we don't FEEL God. He lives within us, yes. Nice, thought-provoking post. Hope you are doing well, my friend. :)

Michelle (Isabelle) said...

Brilliant revelation, my friend. Rest in that and you will never be alone. God Bless!