Tuesday, October 2, 2012

signs of the begining of Autumn

The Harvest moon within a bank of clouds

the Autumn Scarlet's berries turning red

Cooler temperatures are here and the Hybiscus flowers last for days


luluberoo said...

Our Michigan maples take the breath away! They are at their peak already.

Michelle (Isabelle) said...

Wonderful photo captures, Joey. The close of one season heralds the next. Enjoy! : )

Granny Annie said...

That close up shot of the flower is amazing. It is a "feel good" time of year.

Carole said...

As a man of science you will appreciate that here on the other side of the world (downunder) we are in spring and are feeling quite different things - actually we don't have much of an autumn in auckland anyway. Hope you are doing ok.