Monday, February 18, 2013

so much that has gone on

I did not realize...
i had to look it up...
It is 2 years since i last saw my mom.
Okay a bit under,
but this was my last trip to see her...
before she left
and went where i can not go yet.
My time will come.
I wondered why,
I felt the way i did,
I thought 3 years at least,
maybe 4,
but no,
it was 2011 that she passed on.
I guess i hold on to things
and so time becomes meaningless.
I don't forget her
and the memories are very good,
but the book is unfinished.
So i guess i will wait for my time,
so that then we can finish that book together!


Gail said...

HI JEY - time loses meaning - not in a bad way but rather in a "forever" way. It could be yesterday or 10 years since your mom died - its a ll the same.
Love you man

betchai said...

oh Joey, your mom is so precious, am sure she was such a great and loving mom, you are so blessed to have her. I love and miss my mom too, who passed away 2002, like you, she would always be in my heart, and her inspiration will continue to move me through my lifetime. Wishing you well always, Joey.

Shionge said...

Dear Joey, I misses my Father every day ever since he passed on in Year 2005.

I hope you will gain strength and knowing that they are always here in my hearts and they are 'never gone'.

Take care and bless you :)