Thursday, March 13, 2014

i don't think i will change much, maybe a little

This blog has been a testament of struggle,
i do not hide that.
Every day life is a struggle on so many levels,
but for each of us to voice the minutia that is that struggle,
that is hard.Lets us keep stoic our faces, so no one may know our troubles...
this is not something i believe.
I have a difficult time doing this sort of thing face to face,
but in writing,
my heart sings
and my voice is not silent.
There is always, always positive,
for nothing is an end,
we maybe just displaced for awhile.
This is therapeutic, for me
and for some reason i think that when others read,
they may think on the troubles that they have
and be comforted.
I complain about "things",
but no life,
for life is precious.
Things distract us from the depth of our existence.
I am pleased that people may visit here and fine me...
in all the ugliness that is truth.
In the pain and the struggles and the love.
i fell sad that many do not read,
nor understand what this time here is.
It is an exploration of me and my fragile existence.


Unknown said...

Sadly I agree with what you wrote. Yes, life is a struggle, but the alternative is unthinkable. Like sunshine and rain, happiness and pain. Those lyrics to a song I can't think of the title to came to mind when I read your post. I like the part where you state: Nothing is an end, we may be just displaced for awhile. Such true words. Great stuff today Joey! xoxo

eastcoastlife said...

You are not alone, there are many people out there who are struggling, some in very depressing state. Keep calm and continue blogging so I can visit. :)