Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Some days my words are dark;
here on these hollowed pages i write.
There exists despair and heartache in all of our lives
and i script mine,
when the mood fits.
Depression follows my wobbly gait
as a tail follows a dog.
I wake and see "things",
things i can not describe,
full of light and wonder.
Then i ask where the darkness went
and why it was here at all.
Shadows are following me,
but not those of dark and despair...
I think they are angels,
for they are bright and bring hope to me.
On the edge of my sight,
they appear,
but when i turn they are gone.
This gives me wonder
and i ask who they are.
There is no answer,
but they appear again,
like in a game of hide and seek.
Time is not endless,
but some days, it seems so.


erin said...

perhaps time is not endless but only our time in it in this form. as difficult as that can be, we must nurture our gratitude for it too. it`s what gives our lives beauty, value))))and finally, peace)))


erin said...

(as i was reading this i swore i`d read it before at the hand of another poet)

Granny Annie said...

I too would script mine but my own tears cloud my vision.

Gail said...

Hi Joe - your deep and wise and honest and give pause to this reader. Your images-visions are glorious, perhaps unsettling but I lean to glorious. And in regards to time? It is a mystery - an entity that can stand still, move swiftly and catch up to us and leave us behind. Fascinating.
Love you man