Thursday, September 18, 2014

sorting it out

It has been a busy few weeks,
a new physical therapy seemed to offer more,
but it only answer one simple problem.
I am not really awake yet,
my mind full of clouds
and my housemate starts yammering,
about things i can not comprehend.
i manage not to be irritated,
but i know that can happen.
I do not know when is a good time to talk to me.
"Things" on my mind;
i  can handle them in one of two ways.
So far, i am holding on to the better way,
but barely.
Remembering, helps.
when i first came out of the hospital from "that" operation,
almost 6 years ago,
I did not know
and i was frightened.
I felt an assurance,
not of being restored and healed physically,
but that some how,
everything would be for the best
and God would be glorified.
That is important,
even more now.
I do not know how people with out faith live in this troubled world,
there is so much that seems wrong.
Yet i am assured that our time here is very short,
we just do not see it
and our time after in infinite,
that comforts me.
Little things assure me;
a flower,
a tree,
a smile.
these are the good things,
i will dwell on them.

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