Monday, December 8, 2014

The anniversary of a touch of madness

we all experience it,
at times.
Some of of us for longer periods
and become "diagnosed".
There has always been lurking that touch at other times,
times of anger,
loss of self control,
and sadness....
emotions that run so deep,
that our mind is no longer presence.
I remember the beginning of December,
another time.
One not caused bu emotion,
but of a medical procedure,
that did not go quite as planned.
6 years ago,
i am aware of no longer being present,
of not knowing any longer,
 how to do simple things.
Of losing my touchstone number,
and not knowing why it was important.
Of friends and doctors seeing me
and not knowing what was going on.
Despite the massive issue,
for i had lost a significant amount of cerebral spinal fluid
and my brain was sunken on the MRI,
and parts of memory were lost.
They looked in on me
and were frightened.
i was to far gone to be frightened,
but even 6 years later,
it disturbs my memory.
A simple procedure brought me back,
undoing a procedure that was to help me a month previous.
All finished,
i woke and remembered,
what i could not have known before.
So this time still messes with my mind,
for i remember when,
 i had a touch of madness.

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