Monday, January 11, 2010

The storm

The waves crash against my shores,
like the worries that trouble my heart.
The mist rises and obscures the land
and the ground shakes,
making me fall and tremble.
No longer knowing where to go go,
I am fearful.
A light springs forth and
the mist melts away.
My path is clear once more.
My salvation did not come from some distant shore,
it was the must that was within me.

I fall asleep.

troubled no more by nightmarish dreams,
I awake, refreshed in the morning;


Gail said...

Hi Joey-

Good Morning. Beautiful dream imagery - quite telling. I felt you 'break through'. Alleluia!!

I dreamt quite horribly - my brother-in-law was angry at me for calling someone about a puppy - a puppy he had intended on stealing for me. WHen he found out I had called the puppy's owner-he got really angry and started hitting me, open-handed, everywhere, back, legs, face, arms, and yelling "why did you call about the puppy?"!! it was awful.
Maybe I am not meant to have a new puppy, Thoughts?

I might write a post about this. Not sure yet.

Love to you

Unknown said...

I see you had your own "storm" to deal with!
It is NOT about puppies, I would say that is for sure, but rather what a puppy represents and then you have "family" (in what ever context family is to you), Standing in the way.
I hope no one to stand in your way Gail for that simple "puppy love".

Gail said...

Hi Joey-]
thanks OS much for your insight about my dream. I love that you took the time. I will give your thoughts much consideration as I trust your wisdom.

Love to you my friend

Ileana said...

The morning always holds promise...the storms aren't as rough in the daylight.

Happy Monday, my friend! :)

listen for azure said...

There seems to be storms all over blogland today - I hope yours settles in the evening.

Lori said...

I hope your day is wonderful and you stay refreshed. The light of dawn is a beautiful thing.