Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Today has been a good day. Tho my eye sight seemed to take a slight step backwards from my view, apparently this is only an adjustment to the physical adjustments that are bringing my eyes alighnment to normal.
they took me off the IV antibiotic, and gave me permission to use my .walker unassisted in my room. Both of these item are huge. I walk an entire hallway using a cane. This was also huge. My eating has been better, but still has problems, there are improvements that I can see over time, but not day by day.

Afte St. Lukes the ones of us who stayed together still did things for the mentelly disabled population through Frank at family centers.
I also got a chance to hang even more with Franks' son because he was into music. He had a band called Rubin Kinkad and played sometimes in the hallway of the shoppes of olde main street under the mall particularly for park row grill.
Lots of fun. Scott also beceme a DJ and start working at willow street in Post Chester and Mirible in Stamford (long torn down, but on park place and used to be a comedy club) and the Art Bar also on Park Place ( now the spanish club). Stamford was not a happening place, but it was improving and was somewhat 80's in the downtown, but very limited.
I enjoyed haging out with him., helping lug his equipment and dancing to the music.
The one thing about Stamford and its restaurant and night life - it all ways changes and I WOULD SAY IT IS BECAUSE EVERY ONE WANTS TO BE ENTERTAINED and are very fickle.
What works today will not work tommorrow and that is really what Stamford is.
Somewhere in this time I lost my best friend, who was Frank's Father and 84 at the time. He died exactly yhe way he wanted to.. we were on vacation in Virginia, we had a seafood dinner together and the next morning I had to take him to the hospital cause he wasn't breathing right
He didn't want to go, but I took him anyway, and just 2 days later, he died.
He had wanted to be away fom his family, doing something fun with his best friend and he wanted it to be quick. He got all his wishes.
I only hope to be that clear and that fortnate when it is my time.

I do know I did not use any vacation time for many months.
Scott continue his sucesses and had several billboard top dance tunes with his remixes, then he went in to Raves.
He was firm his parties would be 'striaght edge' mean drug use was not tolerated.
The first party we through was in Norwalk at the Globe theater and we confiscanted 3 boxes of drugs because no one believed we would really be straight edge. I was working with forensics at the time and had them destroyed though our own police. Everyone was also surprised, they had fun even without the drugs and the party was monetrially succesful for us.
We ran a monthly party for some time before expanding. As a DJ, scott was in demand from Florida to England, but he stuck to places he could drive to. He ran parties from upstate .NY to Massachussetts to NJ.
He ran a massive party in Mass. wher we spent $120,000 on the event and lost $40,000 mostly because our compitision did not care to be staight edge or abour saftey ran 8 parties around us.
We were not going to compromise our standards and we could boast that in evrything we did no one ever was hurt at the event.
We ended our shows. Scott continued to DJ but was pursuing other thing which were more sophisticated.
I enjoyed all my time with him all while doing my thing at the Health Depatment and having at least one mentally disable person living with me. And I also started to go back to a church any church, especially a stuggling eposcopal chuch in North Stamford with a gay priest.

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