Friday, September 27, 2013

pushing again

Autumn has sparked something in me,
maybe it is like the squirrels,
hurry, hurry, winter comes!
But i enjoy autumn,
the colors the smells,
the cool, not cold.
Crispness in the air and most of all,
the fall cooking!
Inside, bringing the smells indoors to make us happy.
I experiment at this time;
a dessert chili,
pork carnitas,
soups and strews...
all wonderful in the smells!
The garden is giving the last of its gifts
and i use them and preserve them with great abandon.
This is all about heart
and life.

I push my self yet again,
to do and regain lost contacts.
I am fine and enjoy this time!

A special shout out to Erin!

i was part of a mime from Granny Annie and it was a pay it forward mime.
So the first 5 persons who respond, i want a way to contact you so i can send 5 items to you.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A silly game

A silly game of hide and seek,
the game is where one hides from ones self
and pretends no one can see,
but everyone always sees
for it is a game with no winner.
I seem to still play this game,
smoke and mirrors,
they were fine for special effects and lasers,
but not in life.
You see how my "science" creeps into my thought?
Thinking that one can hide in dark matter,
but one can not,
for even tho i hide in darkness,
the darkness is not dark to you
and light springs forth to find me.
No one wins when i play this silly game,
so why do i keep playing?
It is a question i do not have the answer for.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

unbidden and unwelcolme

i did not ask for this,
i did not want this,
but it came,
born of a suddenly quiet sun plunging temperatures to cold,
for me.
it is unwelcome,
my garden is not finished and
my tomatoes have suddenly started to yield.
The flowers on the cucumbers will fall off
and none will be harvested.
i do not worry about cabbage or kale,
nor of most of my herbs,
'cept the basil.
The flowers will be gone soon also;
which were for summer exactly that,
are now ready to wither and go.
At first my cooking suffers also,
grilling and smoking
are not well done in the cold.
As my eyes turn to soups and stews,
my taste buds falter.
I am not ready for this,
not yet.
The sun, tho,
remains unusually quiet,
for the maximum peak it suppose to be in
and i can do nothing about it.

Monday, September 16, 2013

cool and wet today

a tragedy in the neighborhood,
and there is sadness,
which will pass.
Compassion by one allowed this to be shared.
The burden is lessened.
i never argue with compassion, or only good,
no matter what the cost,
can come from it.
And so today the rain is misty and cold....

Friday, September 13, 2013

Strangeness of thought or a Homily of sorts

i hear too much,
it is confusing me...
for i am a radical and a scientist
and what i believe,
people say should not co-exist...
yet they do, in my heart.

This started with conversations about the deterioration of the American work ethic due to unions.

I disagree, for there are many things that come together that have created an issue,
and while i could name many on all sides...
i would simply put that it is a lack of Community.
There is too much us and them,
wrong and right.
Too much of "you are on your own bub".

Community, both social and spiritual,
they must be put together or it does not work.
It does not and should not be one religion and denomination that it belongs too,
though there are many examples of it in many religions.
The Community i describe existed in the first years of Christianity and pieces remain still.

This is NOT communism, that bastardized the concept and so does not work.
It is not socialism, for that is completely dictated by the government and not the heart.


Community is a matter of heart,
one where people actually care about those around them,
everyone lives,
no one has too little
everyone lives.

This country had a great social community where many would try to take care of each other.
This country has lost that, the people lost this and now the government tries to step in.

I live in a small neighborhood where "Community" attempts to occur,
Some days more successfully than others.

I live in a Spiritual Community where we continue to try to live this out each day.

It follows the simplified laws of thermodynamics,
Energy must be put into a system to maintain a stable state.

I re-posted a quote (attributed to Einstein, but probably not):
"He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand in rapt awe, is as good as dead"
The idea is that there is so much that we simply can not know,
the remainder is simply amazing.
Even the answers we find, are amazing.
Enjoy that which is amazing!

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Those wispy dreams,
telling me things i do not want to know.
Things i will not see,
but there is so much life between.
That still small voice that resonates deep with my heart.
it is only a whisper, but the echo is thunderous.
I have learn to trust that voice,
it guides me and leads me.
It tells me that even if i go to the depths of hell,
i will not be alone.
I see darkness clouding others,
they do not know we can not be separated,
that this "life" is but a twinkling of our being.
There are others who so restrict the life we have here,
they miss its purpose.
i know this life is difficult enough without us causing more,
but we do anyway.
I cannot share my dream with any one close.
They will be upset and they have enough on their own to deal with.
There is no fear of this,
there is no reason to fear.
It is all good.
A day,
a thousand years,
it is no matter,
i must prepare.
Cherish every moment,
be thankful for every good.
This is preparation.